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Homes - Hűség
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Homes, H. A. KÉZ1:84
Homoki Erzsébet F1/a:27 SZ1/c:30 +B2:21
Homoki István H3/b:36
Honti, Joseph H3/b:37
Honti Nándor H3/b:38-40
honvágy H3/b:41-42
Hoó Bernát H3/b:43-46
Horányi Tibor H3/b:48
Horatius +H2:1
Hordán Tibor H2/b:25
Horkay András G3:27 H3/b:49-50
Horn Ferenc H3/b:51
Horne, J. C. W. +PET3/II:22
Hornick György H3/b:52
Hornyansky, M. H3/b:53
Horovitz, Nathan H3/b:54
Horthy István +H2:15-24
Horthy Jenő H3/b:55
Horthy Kitty H3/b:56
Horthy Miklós +H2:2-14 +SZ1:67-70
Horthy Miklós, ifj. S3/b:7
Hortobágy +H2:25
Horváth Barna H3/c:2
Horváth Béla H3/c:3 +H2:26
Horváth, Cecile H3/c:4
Horváth Elemér H3/c:5
Horváth (Lawrence) Emma L1/a:70
Horváth, Ernest H3/c:6-7
Horváth Ferdinánd H3/c:8
Horváth Ferencné CS2/b:62 H3/c:9-16
Horváth, Frank S. H3/c:17-20
Horváth Gábor H3/c:21-22v
Horváth Guszti H3/c:24
Horváth Gyula H3/c:25-25v
Horváth Imre +H2:31-32
Horváth István +H2:33
Horváth János +H2:34-35
Horváth János I. H3/c:26-29
Horváth János II. H3/c:30
Horváth, John H3/c:36
Horváth József C1/b:34
Horváth József I. H3/c:31-33
Horváth József II. H3/c:34
Horváth, Julius H3/c:37
Horváth Károly H6:58
Horváth Lajos H3/c:38-40 +H2:36
Horváth Lőrinc H3/c:41
Horváth Lukács H3/c:42
Horváth Márton +H2:37
Horváth Menyhért +H2:38
Horváth Mihály H3/c:43-46 +H2:39-42
Horváth Miklós H3/c:47
Horváth N. Péter H3/c:51-52v
Horváth Nagy Erzsébet H3/c:50
Horváth Ödön +H2:27-30
Horváth P. József H3/c:35
Horváth, Richard +H2:43
Horváth Sámuel H3/c:48
Horváth Theodore H3/c:49
Horváth Z. H3/c:53
Horváth Zoltán H3/c:54
Hóry Elemér H3/e:1-17
Hóry László H3/e:18-18v
Hosh Róbert H3/e:19-21
Hoskó István H3/e:22-23v
Hospodar, Blaise H3/e:24-25
Hosszu, Martin H3/e:26
Hoover, Robert H3/b:47
Houdini, Harry (Weisz Erik) H3/d:2-39 KÉZ1:85 V.Ö.5:2
Hoványi Gyula H3/e:27
Howard, Leslie H3/e:28-33v
Howe, S. G. R1/d:51
Howie, Charles T. H4:25
Hőgye Mihály H3/e:34 KOS XII:21
Hölzl Boldizsár H3/e:35
Hörcsik József H3/e:36
Hörömpő Pál H3/e:37
Hrabosky, Al. H3/e:38-42
Hrussák Lajos H3/e:43-44v
Hubay Jenő +H2:44-49
Hubay Kálmán +H2:50-61
Hujber István H3/e:46-46v
„Hungária” +K3/I:55 +K3/II:35-36
Hungarian-American Historical Connections (Pivány, Eugene) P2/c:27
Hungarian constitution H4:7-7v
„Hungarian Cultural Foundation” (Georgia) E2:60 H4:19-19v H4:22
Hungarian culture H4:23
„Hungarian Digest” H4:25
Hungarian drama H4/a:3
Hungarian dress H4/a:5
Hungarian Ethnography (bibl.) (magyar néprajz) B/Bibliogr. 1:18
Hungarian flag H4/a:10
Hungarian folk tales H4/a:12 +H2:62
Hungarian Freedom Fighters Federation G1/d:17 +K3/III:23
Hungarian Heritage Room M1/c:1
Hungarian Historiography +H2:63
Hungarian, John H4/a:15
Hungarian language +H2:64-67
Hungarian literature H4/a:19 +H2.68-80
Hungarian Loyalty League CS2:33 H4:20 H4/a:20 K4:12-19
Hungarian melodists H5:31-32
Hungarian music +H2:81
Hungarian National Council V1:37
Hungarian peasants H5:6
Hungarian popular songs H5:33
Hungarian Quarterly index 1936-40. B/Bibliogr. 1
Hungarian Reference Library (New York) B5/c:5 C1:75-79 F1/ac:2, 38 H5:18 M1/c:8-9v SZ3/a:14
Hungarian Reformed Church in America H5:19
Hungarian refugees H5:23
Hungarian relief (American Hungarian Relief, Inc.) H5:24-24v
Hungarian religion H5:29
Hungarian Republican Club R3/b:25 SZ2/b:57
The Hungarian revolution. (Prágay, János) B 30532
Hungarian Revolution of 1956 H5:30
Hungarian singers H5:34-34v
Hungarian statistics H5:37
Hungarian String Quartet H5:38-38v
Hungarian Studies Foundation H5:39 KÉZ1:13 M3/c:1-24 l. még American Hungarian Foundation
Hungarian travelers H5:42-43
Hungarian wrap in 1809 H5:44
Hungarian writers and literature. (Reményi, József) C 12062
Hungarians in Africa H6:1
Hungarians in America (Szy, Tibor) A 8589
Hungarians in America (Bognár, Desi K.) C 18521
Hungarians in Boer War H6:18-18v
Hungarians in Brasil +H2:82
Hungarians in California H6:32
Hungarians in Duquesne, Pennsylvania H6:51
Hungarians in East Chicago, Indiana H6:52
Hungarians in Egypt H6:53
Hungarians in North Dakota H6/a:25
Hungarians in Transylvania +H2:83
Hungarians in United States H6/a:39-46v
Hungaries, Gabriel H6/b:11
Hungary H6/b:15, 26-26v
Hungary (Magyarország) +H2:84, 94-95
Hungary – Agricultural assets in 1930's H6/b:13
Hungary – America H6/b:12
Hungary and England H6/b:20
Hungary and its revolutions from the earliest period to the nineteenth century. (E. O. S.) B 30518
Hungary and Kossuth. (Tefft, B. F.) B 30507
Hungary Branch H6/b:19
Hungary – history, recent H6/b:16-18v
Hungary in early 1848 (Stroup, Edsel Walter) B 31498

Hungary – intellectual life H6/b:21
Hungary – land problem H6/b:22
Hungary – religious life H6/b:24
Hungary – religious life under Communism H6/b:23
Hungary – Revolution +H2:85-93
Hungary Station (Virginia) H6/b:27
Hunt Béla H6/b:29
Hunyadi János H6/b:31
Hunyadi Mátyás KÉZ1:86 +H2:99
Hunyady Dalma H6/b:30
Hunyady, Emery +H2:96
Hunyady Ferenc +H2:97-97v
Hunyady János +H2:98-98v
Hunyady László H6/b:34-37v
Hunyady Sándor H6/b:32 +H2:100-101v
Huszágh, Kenneth A. H6/b:38
Huszár Ágnes V1/a:35-48
Huszár Aladár +H2:102
Huszár Antal H6/b:44
Huszár, George B. H6/b:45-45v
Huszár Károly +H2:103-106
huszárok H6/b:39-43
huszárok a függetlenségi háborúban R1/e:48
Huszti-Horváth Ferdinánd H6/b:46
Huziányi István H7:1-96
Hűség Liga (A. H. L. L.) CS2:33 H4:22 H4/a:20 H6/a:47 K4:12-19
Hyppolite +H2:107

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